Sexual health support

Sexual health support

You can access free and confidential sexual health services online or through our sexual health clinic.

To request a sexual health test online see:

Our sexual health clinic can be found at:

  • Hadrian House, Higham Place, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 8AF

For more information on how to visit the clinic, including opening hours:


Emergency contraception

If you have had unprotected sex or think your contraception might have failed, you can use emergency contraception up to five days afterwards to prevent a pregnancy. 

You can request emergency contraception via:

For more information see:

Free condoms

To request free condoms online see:

Free condoms for people aged 13 to 25 years old

The C-Card scheme is a free and confidential service offering free condom and sexual health information and support to all young people aged 13 to 25 years old.

To join the scheme, please visit a C-Card outlet to receive an induction from a trained C-Card worker. 

For more information see:

Terminating a pregnancy

If you are pregnant and are considering an abortion, you can contact the services below to talk through your choices and access treatment which bests suits you. 

There are treatments available up to 24 weeks' gestation if needed.

You can be referred through a GP or you can self-refer by contacting an abortion clinic.

For more information see:

Support from other organisations

Children North East and Streetwise

Children North East and Streetwise offer advice about sexual health and relationships for people aged 11 to 25 years old. 

Find out more at

Blue Sky Trust

Blue Sky Trust supports people living with HIV and their families, offering help to understand your diagnosis and any support you need.

Find out more at:

Changing Lives

Changing Lives is a service in Newcastle that supports people who have been affected by exploitation.  

They can help you with employment, housing, recovery and family support.

Find out more at:

Skills for People

Skills for people provide education and support for people with learning disabilities.  

Sexual health testing and advice is offered through the learning disability nurse at the sexual health service.

Find out more at:

Vulnerable young people, safeguarding, sexual assault and rape

Always call 999 in an emergency

The Angel Centre provides support to those who have experienced sexual assault, including rape. For more information see:

If no victim is identified but you have information that suggests sexual exploitation may be occurring you should inform the police. To do so: 

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