Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy which the Council charges on many new developments. The money raised helps to pay for the infrastructure needed across the city as a result of developments such as schools, strategic greenspace, flood defences, and strategic transport improvements.
The Adopted Charging Schedule can be downloaded from the documents section of this page, along with the Residential and Commercial Charging Zones Map, Examiner’s Report, Adopted Regulation 123 List and the Instalments Policy.
- We have interactive maps of the CIL areas here. See the layer on/off options in the menu in the bottom right of the map to choose which of the 4 map options to display. There is a map for commercial zones, commercial values, residential zones, and residential values. You can zoom in and move around, and click on the site for more information. There is a search facility to locate a specific address. You can switch between OS map and aerial photography with the option in the bottom left.
A Developers Guide is in the Documents section of this page explaining in more detail how the CIL process works, such as what CIL information is needed to be submitted with planning applications and before commencement. It contains links to the Planning Portal CIL page which provides links to the relevant forms to be submitted before you commence your development. A wide range of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ can also be viewed in the Documents section.
The CIL is charged per square metre on many new buildings, based on their use and location. The charges are based on viability and have been approved by an independent Examiner and by Full Council. The Council has to ensure that there is an appropriate balance between the rates being high enough to help fund infrastructure, and not harming the economic viability of development as a whole across Newcastle.
Section 106 Agreements continue to cover on-site measures that are needed to make a specific development acceptable, such as access works, drainage management, and greenspace. Provision of affordable housing also continues as previously. A supplementary planning document has been adopted by us which identifies what will be expected to be secured through planning obligations and is available in the documents section.
The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020 came into force on the 1st September 2020. CIL charges remain the same for developments in the use classes affected by these changes. Changes to the Use Classes within the ‘All Other Developments’ category remain chargeable at £0. The remaining CIL chargeable development categories are unaffected by the recent Use Classes Order changes.
Type of Development | 2024 Rate per sqm - £ |
Residential Zone A | 85.31 |
Residential Zone B | 42.65 |
Student Accommodation | 71.09 |
Hotels (C1) | 56.87 |
Small Retail (A1 less than 280sqm) | 42.65 |
Supermarkets > 280sqm | 14.22 |
Retail Warehousing | 71.09 |
CIL forms and process
For information on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) application process, guidance and forms, policy information and procedures, please:
Spending the CIL
The funds generated are spent in compliance with the CIL Regulations (Regulation 59) (external link) and in accordance with City Council’s Regulation 123 list of strategic infrastructure.
Up to 5% of the levy receipts can be spent on administering and enforcing the levy and are allocated for such purposes.
- (These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Request an accessible format. )
- CIL Developers Guide (pdf, 104kb)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Planning Obligations SPD (Adopted September 2021) (PDF, 1mb)
- CIL Charging Schedule (pdf, 351kb)
- Residential Charging Zone Map (pdf, 1mb) Individual Areas (pdf 4mb)
- Commercial Charging Zone Map (pdf, 2.4mb) Individual Areas (pdf 4mb)
- Examiners Report (pdf, 241kb)
- Regulation 123 List
- Instalments Policy
- Available Relief
CIL Regulation 62 Monitoring Report
- Monitoring Report – April 2018 – March 2019 (pdf, 113kb)
- Monitoring Report – April 2017 – March 2018 (pdf, 46kb)
- Monitoring Report - November 2016 to November 2017 (pdf, 46kb)
- (These files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Request an accessible format. )
Contact us:
Additional information:
Claiming Relief
The amount of CIL calculated for a given development is non-negotiable, however the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) contains provisions that allow for certain types of exemptions or relief from paying the full CIL amount.
Depending on the nature of the development, the following forms of relief or exemption may be available from Newcastle City Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy:
- minor development exemption
- mandatory charitable relief
- mandatory social housing relief
- self build exemption (for a dwelling)
- self build exemption (for a residential annexe or a residential extension)
There is detailed information on the governments' website here.
To claim relief, you must use Form 2: Claiming Exemption and Relief, available from the Planning Portal at:
The Council will send you a revised liability notice (stating a £0 charge) once your claim has been dealt with.
Please note that Newcastle City Council is not offering Discretionary Charitable or Social Housing Relief or Exceptional Circumstances Relief. The CIL discretionary and exceptional circumstances relief mechanisms will be kept under review on an annual basis and will be introduced, subject to CIL regulations, if there is a clear case for doing so.
Instalment Policy
The responsibility to pay the levy is with the landowner on which the proposed developed is to be situated. The regulations define the landowner as a person who owns a ‘material interest’ in the relevant land to be developed.
This Instalments Policy is made in line with Regulations 69B and 70 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended by the Amendment Regulations 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015) and is as follows:
a) This Instalments Policy takes effect on 14th November 2016.
b) The CIL instalments policy calculates payment days from commencement of development on site. The Commencement date will be taken to be the date advised by the developer in the commencement notice under CIL Regulation 67.
c) Payment of instalments are as follows:
Where the chargeable amount is less than £15,000 | Full payment within 2 calendar months of commencement |
Where the chargeable amount is between £15,000 and £50,000 | Due in 2 equal instalments within: - 3 months of commencement - 6 months of commencement |
Where the chargeable amount is over £50,000 but below £100,000 | Due in 3 equal instalments within: - 3 months of commencement - 6 months of commencement - 9 months of commencement |
Where the chargeable amount is £100,000 or above | Due in 4 equal instalments within: - 6 months of commencement - 12 months of commencement - 18 months of commencement - 24 months of commencement |
d) As required by Regulation 70(8), if the appropriate instalment amount is not received by the specified date then the whole remaining balance becomes due immediately.
e) The liability for outline permissions will be calculated on the day that the final reserved matter is approved. If an outline application includes phasing of development, each phase is treated as a separate development for the purpose of paying CIL.
f) It may also be possible for a full or hybrid planning application to be subdivided into ‘phases’ for the purposes of the levy, so that CIL is only liable on each phase as it is developed. This would need to be specified in the description of development on the planning application form and you are advised to discuss this with the Council at pre-application stage and finalised during the application process.
Did you know?
In 2016 the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Newcastle upon Tyne was adopted. The CIL Charging Schedule was published to take effect on 14 November 2016.
The council received the CIL Examiner's final report (pdf) on 17 August 2016.
A number of examination documents supported the CIL Examination, copies of these are available at request by contacting
Related Pages
Need more information?
The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (external site)
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