Recycling A to Z
Recycling A to Z
What Can I Recycle?
If you have an item you think you can recycle in your blue bin but are not sure, you can use this handy guide to check.
Please note that we had made some changes to what can and cannot be recycled. Please check this guide if you are not sure.
Remember that recycling in Shared Bin areas is a bit different, so please check those pages.
Scroll down the page or just click on the letter to check your item:
• Before recycling, make sure the aerosol is completely empty and do not crush
• Place aerosols in the main part of your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• The tops can go in the blue recycling bin or shared mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Air beds
• Air beds are made from plastics that currently can't be recycled
• You can dispose of them in your green rubbish bin or shared household waste bin
• Alternatively, you can place them in the general waste container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Air fresheners (aerosol)
• Before recycling, make sure the aerosol is completely empty and do not crush
• Place the aerosol in the main part of your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
Air fresheners (electric)
• Place the glass bottle part in the caddy
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the blue glass only recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• The plug-in part should be disposed of in your green rubbish bin
Air fresheners (plastic)
• Plastic air fresheners are not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Alarm clocks (electrical)
• Fully functional alarm clocks can be donated to local charity shops or an online reuse network
• If beyond repair, please take alarm clocks to any household waste recycling centre/tip and place in the container for small electrical items
Aluminium cans
• Before recycling, rinse and squash cans
• Place cans in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Aluminium food trays and foil (pie and quiche trays, sweet mince pie cases)
• Before recycling, if required rinse to remove food residue
• Place in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
Animal bedding
• Hay, straw and sawdust
o Aren't currently recycled
o Do not put in your garden waste bin
o However, they can be composted in your home compost bin
• Other bedding
Please check whether pet beds and bedding can be donated to a charity or try an online reuse network, or, for the following items:
o Pet blankets, towels and beds made from fabric
o Fabric pet blankets, towels and beds are not currently recycled
o Dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
o Alternatively, you can place them in the general waste container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Plastic animal beds
o Place animal beds in the rigid plastics container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Animal and pet waste
• Please bag all pet waste before disposing of it in your green rubbish bin
• Animal and pet waste is not currently recycled and we do not accept animal waste of any kind at our centres.
• Asbestos removal is extremely hazardous. Newcastle City Council do not collect asbestos. Private companies can make arrangements to take asbestos away at a charge.
• Asbestos is not accepted at our Household Waste Recycling Centre/tips
Ash from wood burners, coal fires etc (bagged)
• Please bag all cooled ash before disposing of it in your green rubbish bin
• Ash cannot be recycled
Bath towels
• Can be donated to some charity shops
• Can be recycled at some charity bring banks and the household waste and recycling centre
• Please do not place bath towels in your blue recycling bin
Batteries (domestic)
• Many retailers and supermarkets have battery disposal points so please take your batteries to these points. These are generally the types of retailers who sell batteries too.
• Take them to a Household Waste Recycling Centre.
• Do not place in your blue or green bins.
Batteries (motor vehicle)
• Motor vehicle batteries can only be recycled at the Byker and Walbottle Household Waste Recycling Centres/tips.
• Bedding can be donated to charity shops
• Alternatively, it can be recycled at some charity banks and the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Some animal rescue centres also accept bedding for reuse as animal bedding
• See furniture
Beer kegs
• Empty metal beer kegs can be recycled in the blue recycling bin or shared recycling bin.
• Bicycles can be donated to local charity shops or an online reuse network, such as Recyke y'bike in Byker
• Bicycles can be taken to the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip from where they are collected for reuse or recycling by charities
Bicycle tyres
• Bicycle tyres are not currently recycled
• Therefore, you can dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
• Alternatively, you can place them in the general waste container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Birthday cards
• Place birthday cards in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Birthday cards with glitter decoration cannot be recycled but you could tear them up and add them to your home compost bin
• Please do not place cards in your garden waste bin
Biscuit tins (metal)
• Place biscuit tins in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Biscuit wrappers
• Biscuit wrappers are not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Black plastic food trays, e.g. ready meal trays
• Black plastic food trays are not currently recycled
• Therefore, you can dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
• Bones are not currently recycled
• Do not place them in your home compost bin or garden waste bin
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
• Books can be donated to local charity shops
• Alternatively, they can be taken to some charity banks
• Books can be placed in your blue recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Bottles and jars (plastic and glass)
• Before recycling please rinse
• Place bottles, jars, caps, tops and lids in your blue recycling bin. All glass should be placed in your caddy.
• For shared recycling facilities, glass in the glass recycling bin and other bottles, tops and lids in the mixed recycling bin.
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Bottle tops (metal and plastic)
• Place bottle tops in the main part of your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities place bottle tops in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycle Centre/tip
• Place brochures in your blue recycling bin
• For shared facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bins
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Bubblewrap is not currently recycled
• You can dispose of it in your green rubbish bin
• Alternatively, it can be kept and reused to package fragile items or gifts
Butter tubs
- Before recycling please rinse
- Place dry tubs in your blue recycling bin
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Before recycling, rinse and squash your cans, you can also peel off the paper labels for recycling
• Place cans in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Car Batteries
• Car parts cannot be recycled in the blue bin or shared recycling bins.
• These can only be taken to the Byker or Walbottle Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Car parts
• Car parts cannot be recycled in any bin.
• Old tyres are accepted at all sites but there is a limit of 4 per vehicle. Please let a site attendant know if you have tyres to dispose of. We do not accept any other vehicle parts.
Car Tyres (Domestic vehicles and bikes)
- Not currently recycled
- Do not place in any bin
- Old tyres are accepted at all HWRC sites but there is a limit of 4 per vehicle.
- Please let a site attendant know if you have tyres to dispose of.
• Before recycling, fold and squash cardboard
• Place cardboard in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place it in the mixed recycling bin
• It can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Can be donated to a local charity or shared through an online reuse network
• Carpets can be disposed of at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip but cannot be recycled
• Also see our web page for bulky waste collection. There is a charge for this service. Charges vary depending on the size, type or quantity of bulky waste. For further information or to arrange a collection please contact Your Local Services on 0191 278 78 78.
Carrier bags
- Carrier bags are not currently recycled
- However, you can keep them to reuse (check local supermarkets for schemes)
- Please don’t use carrier bags to put your recycling into the blue recycling bin
- "Compostable" and "biodegradable" carrier bags cannot be recycled so should be placed in your green bin.
Cartons, e.g. chopped tomatoes, sauces, long life milk cartons (Tetra paks)
• Before recycling, rinse and squash
• Place cartons in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Cassette and video tapes
• Please do not put these in the blue recycling bin. Cassette/ video tape can get tangled in the machinery during the recycling process
• You can reuse/ recycle them through charities including at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Otherwise, you can dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
• Place catalogues in your blue recycling bin
• For shared facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bins
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• CDs are not currently recycled
• However, unwanted CDs can be donated to charity shops or through charity banks including at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
CD cases
• Do not place CD cases in your blue recycling bin
• You can place them in the hard-plastic container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Cellophane is not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of it in your green rubbish bin
Cereal boxes
• Before recycling, remove the inner bag and fold and squash the cardboard box (the inner bag is not recyclable)
• Place cereal boxes in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• They can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• If they are beyond repair, please take them to the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip and place in the container for small electrical items
Chemicals (e.g. Turpentine, weed killer, solvents, solvent based paints and varnishes)
- Please ensure any chemicals are in the original container, labelled where possible and sealed.
- Make sure you are wearing appropriate clothing or gloves if handling chemicals
- Please hand over any of these items to one of our attendants. They will secure the items so please do not just leave them by the skips or on the ground.
Chewing Gum Tubs and Pots
- Make sure the tub is empty
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- Place empty tubs in your blue recycling bin
Chocolate Tubs (plastic)
- Before recycling remove wrappers
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- Place empty tubs in your blue recycling bin
Christmas trees
• Natural Christmas trees can be chopped up and placed in your garden waste bin, or taken to the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip designated collection point
• Artificial Christmas trees are not currently recycled but can taken to the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Christmas decorations
• Baubles (glass and plastic) and tinsel are not currently recycled
• Christmas tree lights are not currently recycled. If they are beyond repair, please take them to the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip and place in the container for small electrical items
Cling film and film lids
• Not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of it in your green rubbish bin
Clock (battery) and watches (battery)
• See small electrical appliances.
• Clothing can be donated to charity shops or through an online reuse network
• Alternatively, it can be recycled at some bring sites and the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Coffee grounds, filters and pods
- Coffee grounds and filters are not currently recycled
- However, they can be composted in your home compost bin
- Plastic and Foil coffee pods are too small to be recovered in the recycling process so these need to be placed in your green bin
- Some shops and brands offer a take back service
• Computers, small peripherals, such as keyboards and printers can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• If you’re getting rid of computer equipment, make sure you protect your personal details and destroy the hard drive before disposal. To do this, take the computer apart, remove the hard drive and smash it with a hammer or drill holes in it to ensure no one can access your data.
Confidential Waste
- If you have confidential waste for disposal or recycling, you need to use a private contractor or business for this
- This would cover things like receipts, bank statements, work documents or disks
- We are not able to guarantee secure destruction via our sites so if you are concerned about this please look up a suitable provider
• Cookers can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Also see our web page for bulky waste collection. There is a charge for this service. Charges vary depending on the size, type or quantity of bulky waste. For further information or to arrange a collection please contact Your Local Services on 0191 278 78 78.
Cooking oil
• Unused cooking oil/vegetable oil can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycle Centre/tip
• Used cooking oil/vegetable oil cannot be recycled
• Instead, you can carefully pour into a plastic container and dispose of it in your general household waste bin
• Empty oil bottles must be thoroughly rinsed before placing in your blue recycling bin
Cream pots (plastic)
- These can be recycled along with the clear, plastic lid
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- Place empty pots in your blue recycling bin
Crisp packets
• Not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
• Curtains can be donated to charity shops or through an online reuse network
• Alternatively, they can be recycled at some bring sites and the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Metal cutlery can be donated to charity shops
• Alternatively, it can be disposed of in the metals container at the household waste and recycling centre/tip, and plastic cutlery can be placed in the plastic containers
• See knives.
Dead animals
• If there is a dead animal in a public place you can request for it to be removed. Please contact Your Local Services to report the location.
• We do not remove dead animals from private land.
• You can check for dead pets from our partner Suez . Please use their online contact forms. We are not responsible for the content of external websites.
Deli food packaging
- This can be things like ham, sliced cheese, cooked chicken, olives and fresh pasta
- If the food is in plastic trays or tubs (not black ones) please rinse and dry them
- The plastic film lids and peel off lids are not recyclable so please place dispose of these in your green rubbish bin
- Place plastic trays and containers in your blue recycling bin
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Disposable Gloves and Face Masks
• Disposable and re-useable face masks and gloves (vinyl, latex or rubber) are not recyclable
• Used gloves and face masks should be bagged. Please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Drinks cans
• Before recycling, squash your cans
• Place cans in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Duvets and pillows
• Duvets and pillows are not currently recycled
• Some animal rescue centres accept duvets to reuse as bedding for the animals
• However, duvet covers, pillow cases, sheets and blankets can be recycled at some bring sites and the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Easter Eggs
- Place egg packaging in your blue recycling bin. This includes cardboard, foil and plastic.
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Egg boxes (cardboard)
• Before recycling make sure they are clean, fold and crush
• Place egg boxes in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Egg boxes (plastic)
• Plastic egg boxes are not currently recycled.
• Place the box in your general waste bin.
Egg shells
• Eggs shells are not currently recycled
• However, they can be composted in your home compost bin
Electrical appliances (large) – washing machines, dish washers etc
- Large electrical appliances can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Please note that Fridges and Freezers can only be accepted at the Walbottle Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Also see our web page for bulky waste collection. There is a charge for this service. For further information or to arrange a collection please contact Your Local Services on 0191 278 78 78.
Electrical appliances (small)
- Items should be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Any removed batteries can be placed in a container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip; or taken to a shop that collects batteries for recycling.
- If you cannot get to a tip, Recycle Your Electricals can help you find participating local shops for recycling electrical items. They also give advice about the kinds of items you can recycle.
• Any colour is acceptable. There is no need to remove the window film.
• Place envelopes in the blue recycling bin
• For shared facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bins
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Please do not put envelopes with plastic or bubble wrap lining in the recycling bin – these should be placed in the green rubbish bin.
Fabric (textiles)
• Fabric can be donated to charity or through an online reuse network
• Alternatively, it can be recycled at some bring sites and the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Face Masks
• Disposable and re-useable face masks are not recyclable
• Used face masks should be bagged. Please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Fibreglass Loft Insulation
• Fibreglass loft insulation is not currently recycled
• This should not be put in your green rubbish bin or blue recycling bin
• Any DIY insulation renewal waste needs to be double bagged and sealed securely
• You can deposit it at the mixed waste compactors at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Film lids
• Not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of it in your green rubbish bin
Flowers and plants
• Flowers and plants can be placed in your garden waste bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Alternatively, they can be composted in your home compost bin
Fluorescent tubes
• Fluorescent tubes can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Food is not currently recycled
• Please dispose of it in your green rubbish bin
Food tins
• Before recycling, rinse and squash your tins
• Place tins in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Food trays, e.g. microwaveable food and supermarket vegetable packaging
- Please clean trays and place in your blue recycling bin
- We cannot accept black trays
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Fridges and Freezers
- These need to be carefully disposed of and processed due to chemicals used in seals and coolants
- They can only be accepted at the Walbottle Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- You can also book a bulky waste collection. There is a charge for this service. For further information or to arrange a collection please contact Your Local Services on 0191 278 78 78.
Fruit punnets and tubs
- Please place in your blue recycling bin
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Fruit and veg peelings
• Fruit and vegetable peelings are not currently recycled
• However, they can be composted in your home compost bin
Furniture - arm chairs, beds, sofas, wardrobes etc
• Intact furniture can be donated to charity or through an online reuse network
• Broken furniture can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Also see our web page for bulky waste collection. There is a charge for this service. For further information or to arrange a collection please contact Your Local Services on 0191 278 78 78.
Garden Waste
• You can recycle via your brown garden waste bin. This is a paid for service. Please look at our Garden Waste page for more details.
• For residents garden waste can also be recycled free of charge at a Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip.
• It can also be composted in your home compost bin. Newcastle residents can pay for a discounted home compost bin.
Gas bottles
• Please do not place gas cylinders or bottles in your general waste, recycling bin or in the containers at your household waste recycling centre as they may explode if they are crushed.
• There are special areas set aside at the Household Waste Recycling Centre to leave empty gas bottles and canisters.
• Calor gas bottles, butane cartridges from small camping cookers and helium gas canisters cannot be recycled in the domestic recycling bins and should be taken to the Household Waste Recycling Centre.
• Some gas canisters can be exchanged as part of a refill service by the supplier.
Glass bottles and jars
• Tops and lids can be left on, but the important thing is that the bottles and jars are empty
• Before recycling, rinse out thoroughly
• Place glass bottles and jars in your caddy
• For shared recycling facilities, place glass in the glass recycling bin with tops and lids left on
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip.
Glass panes or window glass
• Do not place glass panes or window glass in your blue recycling bin
• You can dispose of them at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip. Please remember to wear gloves when handling glass, and tape up any panes if possible
Gloves (latex, vinyl, rubber)
• Disposable gloves of any kind are not recyclable
• Used face masks should be bagged. Please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Grass cuttings
• You can recycle via your garden waste bin or by composting in your home compost bin. Newcastle residents can pay for a discounted home compost bin.
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Greetings cards
• Place cards in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Cards with glitter decoration cannot be recycled but you could tear them up and add them to your home compost – please do not place cards in your garden waste bin
Hard plastics, e.g. toys
• Hard plastics cannot be recycled
• Hard plastic toys can be donated to friends, charity shops or through an online reuse network
Hedge trimmings
• You can recycle via your garden waste bin or they can be composted in your home compost bin
• Alternatively, they can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Hoover dust (bagged)
• Please bag all hoover dust before placing it in your green rubbish bin
• Hoover dust cannot be recycled
Household cable
• It can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Household cleaners (plastic bottles), e.g. bleach, washing up liquid
• Please make sure that the bottles are empty, squashed and have the lids on
• Place squashed plastic bottles in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Some pharmacies collect old inhalers for recycling – please check with your local pharmacy
• You can remove the hard plastic casing and place in your green rubbish bin
Ink cartridges (printer)
• Ink cartridges can be donated to charities who will use them to raise additional money
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Insulation for lofts and walls
• Fibreglass loft and wall insulation is not currently recycled
• This should not be put in your green rubbish bin or blue recycling bin
• Any DIY insulation renewal waste needs to be double bagged and sealed securely
• You can deposit it at the mixed waste compactors at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Jar lids
- Leave jar lids on the jar and recycle in the glass caddy
- Alternatively put loose lids in the green bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycle Centre/tip
Juice Pouches
- These are a mixture of plastic and foil
- They cannot be recycled therefore please dispose of it in your green rubbish bin or shared general waste bin
Junk mail
• Place junk mail in the blue recycling bin
• For shared facilities, place it in the mixed recycling bins
• It can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Keys cannot be recycled via your blue recycling bin
• Therefore, dispose of them in the metals container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Sharp knives should not be put in any bin as this would be a health and safety risk for those handling the waste.
- They could also be accessed by children or criminals.
- You can hand in knives at some police stations
- They can be taken to the metals container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• These can be recycled in your garden waste bin or composted in your home compost bin
• Alternatively, they can be taken to the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Standard light bulbs should be disposed of in the household waste bin.
• Halogen light bulbs should be disposed of in the household waste bin.
• Individual LED lamps can be disposed of in the household waste bin.
• Fluorescent lamps/tubes and energy saving light bulbs should, where possible, not be disposed of in the household waste bin. These can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip.
Loft Insulation
• Fibreglass loft insulation is not currently recycled
• This should not be put in your green rubbish bin or blue recycling bin
• Any DIY insulation renewal waste needs to be double bagged and sealed securely
• You can deposit it at the mixed waste compactors at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Magazines and catalogues
• Place magazines and catalogues in the blue recycling bin
• For shared facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bins
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Margarine tubs
• Place washed tubs and lids in the blue recycling bin
• For shared facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bins
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Mattresses can be donated to charity or through an online reuse network
• Mattresses can be disposed of at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Also see our web page for bulky waste collection. There is a charge for this service. For further information or to arrange a collection please contact Your Local Services on 0191 278 78 78.
Meat trays
- Aluminium meat and food trays. This means the kind that ready meals and some meat products are packaged in.
- Before recycling, rinse off any food residue
- Aluminium meat trays can be placed in the main part of your blue bin
- For shared recycling facilities, use the mixed recycling bins
• Black plastic food trays
- Black trays cannot be recycled
- Please dispose of these in your green rubbish bin
• Any other plastic food trays
- Place washed meat trays in the blue recycling bin
- Please remove any absorbent pads or liner paper
- For shared facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bins
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Unused medicines can be returned to a chemist (pharmacist) to be safely disposed of
- Empty glass medicine bottles can be placed in the caddy
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the glass recycling bin
- Empty plastic medicine bottles and tubs/pots can be placed in the blue bin
- For shared facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bins
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Metal cans
• Before recycling, rinse and squash
• Place metal cans in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Metal cutlery/trays
• They can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Metal pots and pans
• Can be disposed of in the metals container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Metal tubes, e.g. tomato puree
• Not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Milk containers - plastic
• Tops should be left on, but the important thing is that the bottles are empty and dry
• Before recycling, rinse out and squash. Replacing the top after squashing the bottle can help it stay flatter
• Place plastic milk containers and lids in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Mirrors can be donated to charity shops or through an online reuse network
• Alternatively, dispose of them in the flat glass container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Mobile phones
• Mobile phones can be donated to a charity or through an online reuse network
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Nails and hinges
• They can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Nappies are not currently recycled
• Please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
• Place newspapers in the blue recycling bin
• For shared facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bins
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Oil bottles (glass)
- Glass cooking oil bottles can be recycled
- Please wash with detergent, dry and replace top
- Place in glass caddy
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the glass recycling bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Oil bottles (plastic)
- Plastic cooking oil bottles up to 10 litres in size can be recycled
- Please wash with detergent, squash, dry and replace top
- Place in blue recycling bin
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Oil cans
- Cooking oil cans up to 10 litres in size can be recycled
- Please wash with detergent
- Place in blue recycling bin
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Engine oil cans cannot be recycled
Oil drums
- Empty drums of cooking oil up to 10 litres in size can be recycled
- Please wash with detergent, dry and replace cap
- Place in blue recycling bin
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Paint and paint cans
- Empty and clean metal paint tins can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip in the scrap metal container
- Empty plastic paint pots can be disposed of in the general waste containers at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip.
- Tins and pots still containing liquids - solvent-based paint, water -based paint and varnish cannot be accepted at the sites. You need to mix it with sawdust, soil or sand and let it dry out. Once dry it should be given to the site attendants at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip to dispose of.
- Do not dispose of paint in your green rubbish bin, and it must not be poured down the drain where it can cause damage and blockages
- There is useful advice available on how to safely dispose of excess paint or dry out tins, for example Recycle Now have guidance about what to do with paint.
Paper - Newspapers
- Place paper in blue recycling bin
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Paper Sachets
- These are paper packets lined with foil or plastic film, things like single serve hot chocolate or coffee drinks, gravy or sauce mixes, instant soups.
- These are not currently recycled
- Please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Perfume and aftershave bottles
• Glass aftershave and perfume bottles can be recycled in your black caddy for glass or shared glass only recycling bin.
• Keep the tops or caps on the bottles.
Pet waste
• See animal and pet waste
Photocopier cartridges
• Photocopier cartridges can be donated to charities who will use them to raise additional money
• Alternatively, they can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Photographs are not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Pizza boxes (take away)
- Pizza boxes can be recycled in your blue recycling bin but they must not contain unwanted food residue that may contaminate other materials
- Make sure there are no crusts, dip pots or sauce packets inside
- Please empty and squash/fold pizza boxes before recycling
Pizza boxes (from supermarket)
- Pizza packaging from supermarkets contains different materials
- Outer cardboard packaging and clean cardboard bases can be recycled in your blue bin
- Shrink wrap film, window film, polystyrene bases are not currently recycled.
- Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
• Can be recycled via your garden waste bin or composted in your home compost bin
• Alternatively, they can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Plastic bags
• Plastic bags are not currently recycled
• However, you can reuse them (check local supermarkets for schemes)
Plastic bottles
• Please leave tops and caps on , but the important thing is that the bottles are empty and dry
• Before recycling, rinse and squash. Replace the top after squashing the bottle so it will stay flatter
• Place plastic bottles, caps and lids in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Plastic films and wraps, films from food trays
- This cannot go in the blue bin
- Some types of plastic films, bags and wraps (bread bags, toilet roll packaging, fruit and vegetable bags) can be recycled at carrier bag collection points at larger stores of most major supermarkets
- Not currently recycled therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Plastic-lined card, e.g. sandwich wrappers
• Not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Plastic nets from fruit packaging
• Not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Plastic plant pots
• Plastic plant pots are not currently recycled
• However, you can reuse them for replanting or growing seeds
• Alternatively, dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Plastic trays, e.g. microwaveable food trays, supermarket vegetable packaging
- Place washed trays in the blue recycling bin
- For shared facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bins
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Black trays cannot be recycled
- Therefore, dispose of these in your green rubbish bin
Polystyrene packaging
• Not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of it in your green rubbish bin
Polythene packaging, e.g. cups, takeaway boxes
• Not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of it in your green rubbish bin
Pond algae and plants
• You can recycle them via your garden waste bin or place them in your home compost bin
• Alternatively, they can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Pots and pans
• See metal pots and pans
Pop bottles (plastic)
• Bottle tops should be left on, bottles should be rinsed, empty and dry
• Before recycling, rinse and squash
• Place pop bottles and lids in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Pots and pans
• See metal pots and pans
Pouches - pet food, drinks and baby food
- These are a mixture of plastic and foil
- They cannot be recycled therefore please dispose of it in your green rubbish bin or shared general waste bin
PPE - personal protective equipment
• Disposable and re-useable face masks, disposable gloves and paper suits are not recyclable
• Used face masks, gloves and suits should be bagged. Please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Pringles type of crisp tube
• Crips tubes are made up of card, foil and plastic film and cannot be recycled.
• Place the tube and lid in the general waste bin.
Printer cartridges
• Printer cartridges can be donated to charities who will use them to raise additional money
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Pyrex dishes
• Pyrex dishes are not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
• Quilts are not currently recycled
• Some animal rescue centres accept quilts to reuse as bedding for the animals
• However; quilts can be recycled at some bring sites and the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Records and tapes
• Unwanted records and tapes can be donated to charity shops
• Records and tapes are not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
Sauce bottles (plastic)
• Bottle tops should be left on, bottles should be rinsed, empty and dry
• Before recycling, rinse and squash
• Place sauce bottles and lids in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Sauce bottles (glass)
• Bottle tops should be left on, bottles should be rinsed, empty and dry
• Place sauce bottles and lids in your glass caddy
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the glass recycling
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Sawdust is not currently recycled
• However, it can be composted in your home compost bin
• Shoes can be recycled at some charity banks or through online reuse networks
• Alternatively, they can be donated to charity shops
Shredded paper
• Bag any shredded paper and dispose of in your green rubbish bin
• Alternatively you can compost shredded paper at home
• You can also dispose of it in the general waste container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Shrubs can be recycled via your garden waste bin or composted in your home compost bin
• Alternatively, they can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Many opticians collect unwanted spectacles (glasses) and donate them to charities – contact your local optician for further information
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Spray nozzle and pump dispenser
• Spray nozzles and pump dispenser from plastic bottles should be left on plastic bottles and recycled in your blue recycling bin
Straw and hay
• Straw and hay is not currently recycled
• Therefore, do not put it in your garden waste bin
• However, it can be composted in your home compost bin
Sweet tubs
• Place plastic and metal sweet tubs with no wrappers in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Tablet packets
• Blister tablet packets are made up of plastic and foil so cannot be recycled.
• Place empty packet in the general waste bin.
• Please remember to recycle the cardboard box and leaflet in your blue bin or shared recycling bin.
Tablet pots and tubs
- Tub tops should be left on, bottles should be empty
- Place pots and tubs with lids in your blue recycling bin
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- Please remember to recycle the cardboard box and leaflet in your blue bin or shared recycling bin.
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Tea bags and leaves
• Tea bags and leaves are not currently recycled.
• However, they can be composted in your home compost bin.
• Some tea bags contain plastic (polypropylene) so won’t fully break down. Try and chose eco-friendly fully compostable tea bags.
Telephone directories
• Place your telephone directories in the blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Tetrapak - cartons, e.g. juice, chopped tomatoes, sauces, long life milk cartons
• Before recycling, rinse and squash
• Place cartons in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Textiles can be donated to charity shops or through an online reuse network or through an online reuse network. The Charity Retail website can help you to find your nearest charity shop.
- Some charities, such as the British Heart Foundation, offer a free clothing collection service from your home, which can be arranged via their website
- Many high street retailers now offer clothing donation banks in-store. Please check their websites for more details.
- Unwanted items can also be donated via recycling points and clothing and textile banks in many supermarket car parks.
- Or alternatively our Household Waste Recycling Centres accept good quality textiles for recycling.
- If you have textiles that are not of good quality, please dispose of them in your green general waste bin, or through the general waste area at our recycling centres.
• Before recycling, rinse and squash your tins
• Place tins in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Tin foil
• Clean tin foil can be placed in your recycling bin. It is best to collect up all of the foil together in a ball so that it doesn’t get lost in the recycling process.
Toner Cartridges
• Toner cartridges can be donated to charities who will use them to raise additional money
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Toothpaste tubes
• Not currently recycled
• Therefore, please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin.
• Please recycle the flattened cardboard box in your blue bin or shared recycling bin.
• Toys can be donated to charity shops or through an online reuse network
Tyres (Domestic vehicles and bikes)
- Not currently recycled
- Do not place in any bin
- Old tyres are accepted at all HWRC sites but there is a limit of 4 per vehicle.
- Please let a site attendant know if you have tyres to dispose of. We do not accept any other vehicle parts.
Vape Devices
- These are not recycled and can contain built in batteries
- Do not put these in green or blue bins
- Please hand these in at the at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Empty and clean metal varnish tins can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip in the scrap metal container
- Tins and pots still containing liquid varnish cannot be accepted at the sites. You need to mix it with sawdust, soil or sand and let it dry out. It then should be given to the site attendants at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip to dispose of.
- Do not dispose of varnish in your green rubbish bin, and it must not be poured down the drain where it can cause damage and blockages
- There is useful advice available on how to safely dispose of excess paints, varnish or dry out tins, for example Recycle Now have guidance about what to do with paint.
Vegetable oil
• See cooking oil
Vegetable peel
• Vegetable peel is not currently recycled
• However, it can be composted in your home compost bin
Vehicle Parts
Old tyres are accepted at all sites but there is a limit of 4 per vehicle. Please let a site attendant know if you have tyres to dispose of. We do not accept any other vehicle parts.
Video cassette tapes
• Cassette tape can get tangled in the machinery during the recycling process
• If you want to recycle them remove the tape first
• Then place in the plastic container at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
• Otherwise, you can dispose of them in your household waste
Vitamin and Supplement Bottles
- Bottle tops should be left on, bottles should be empty
- Place pots and tubs with lids in your blue recycling bin
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- Please remember to recycle the cardboard box and leaflet in your blue bin or shared recycling bin.
- They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Wallpaper is not currently recycled because of the vinyl coatings or textured effects often applied to make it water resistant and durable
- Please dispose of it in your green rubbish bin or take to the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Any unused rolls can be taken to charity shops or used for craft projects
White Goods
- Large electrical appliances such as dishwashers, ovens, washing machines and dryers can be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centres/tips
- Please note that Fridges and Freezers can only be accepted at the Walbottle Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
- Also see our web page for bulky waste collection. There is a charge for this service. For further information or to arrange a collection please contact Your Local Services on 0191 278 78 78.
Window envelopes
• Envelopes with a clear film window can be recycled in the blue recycling bin.
• Any colour of envelope can be recycled in the blue recycling bin
Wire coat hangers
• Place in your blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Wooden fruit punnets
• Wooden fruit punnets cannot be recycled
• Please dispose of them in your green rubbish bin
• Wool can be donated to local charity shops
• Wool is not currently recycled
• However, it can be composted in your home compost bin
• Please do not place in your garden waste bin
Yellow Pages
• Place your Yellow Pages in the blue recycling bin
• For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
• They can also be recycled at the Household Waste Recycling Centre/tip
Yoghurt pots
- These can be recycled along with the clear, plastic lid
- Please rinse and dry
- For shared recycling facilities, place them in the mixed recycling bin
- Place empty pots in your blue recycling bin
- The peel off lid cannot be recycled so please dispose of it in your green rubbish bin
Did you know?
Not on our list? Try these other recycling options:
- Recycling via Terracycle. This organisation offers recycling programmes funded by brands, manufacturers, and retailers around the world to help collect hard-to-recycle waste. This is brand and location specific, with businesses and organisations signing up to offer a collection point for things like make up, toothpaste tubes and crisp packets. This is a regional service so you will need to see what is specifically available in our area. Please note this is an external website that is not affiliated with Newcastle City Council and we are not responsible for their web content.
- Through "purchase locations." Some shops will take back your packaging or they provide special bins where you can deposit items. For example some DIY shops have bins where you take back old light bulbs and batteries. Some cosmetic shops will take back used pots, tubs and bottles. Some supermarkets will take back used carrier bags. RecycleNow has a handy tool on their website where you can find local places to deposit items.
Remember! Compostable does not mean recyclable.
Please read labels on any compostable or biodegradable items to check how to dispose of them. They cannot be recycled but these items do break down naturally, so please put these in your green bin.
Related Pages
- Household waste and recycling centres
- How to recycle more and reduce waste
- Recycling your bulky items
- Recycling in your bathroom
- Recycling plastics
- Recycling in your kitchen
- Sandhills garden waste recycling centre
- Recycling on holidays - Christmas, Easter, other celebrations and Bank Holidays
- Newcastle Waste Strategy 2019-2030
Need more information?
If you have any questions about what you can recycle or just need some help, please contact our knowledgeable staff by calling 0191 2787878 and asking for "Your Local Services."
If you would like to give us feedback on our website, please complete this short online form.