Cycling and walking
Cycling and walking
Our aim is to develop a culture in Newcastle which makes it easier, safer and more fun for people of all ages to cycle and walk everyday.
As one of eight Cycle Ambition Cities in England, we are investing £16.3m from government funding, plus an additional £3m as part of our Streets for People project, to make big changes to the cycling and walking infrastructure in the city.
This has enabled us to build around 16km of new cycle routes, with another 2km to built soon and a further 10km ready to build as soon as we secure funding.
Find a map of where to park your cycle in the city centre (pdf, 457kb)
Did you know?
In 2017, almost nine million trips were made by bike, taking up to 6,957 cars of our road network. This would have a health saving improvement of £585,000 to the NHS and benefiting the economy by £24m. Source Bike Life 2017
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