24 January 2024
| | 2 min readHave your say and help shape the future of Newcastle
Local people and businesses are being urged to get involved in helping to shape the future of Newcastle.

Newcastle City Council has just launched a six-week engagement exercise to ask people what they want Newcastle to be like by 2045. For example, how leisure and shopping experiences can be improved, what type of housing is needed, how we can make the city greener and easier to move around, and what is already great about the city and how this can positively influence other developments.
This engagement will kick start a conversation in the city to help shape the initial stages of the Newcastle Plan – the new local plan that will set out how Newcastle will develop by 2045. The council is committed to ensuring as many views and voices as possible because this is a plan for everyone’s future.
Like all councils, Newcastle has to create this type of plan providing development sites to meet needs. Newcastle’s current local plan only runs until 2030, so it important the council starts planning its new one.
Cllr Nick Kemp, Leader of Newcastle City Council, said: “We have always been committed to empowering our communities and ensuring the people who call Newcastle home can shape the future of their city.
“Local Plans underpin council planning decisions and provide the framework to how areas develop, grow, and continue to thrive.
“It isn’t right for us to make that decision for communities. That is why we are launching this early conversation on the future of Newcastle.
“A six-week engagement exercise will provide everyone with an opportunity to have their say and influence our decision making.
“What do you want Newcastle to look like by 2045? Be part of the conversation and make your voice heard.”
Over the six weeks, there will be a number of ways people can get involved and have their say in this important conversation. This can be online here at Have Your Say Today - Newcastle Plan - Commonplace where questions are set out under nine different suggested ambitions the council believe can make Newcastle a better place. There are based around themes such as health, the environment, the city centre and neighbourhoods, employment, transport, homes and leisure.
And from the week commencing 5 February there will be a series of community events and drop-in sessions across the city. This will allow people to find out more information about how we are planning for the future and have conversations with council officers about the issues that are important to them. There will also be help available to complete the online questions if needed and access to IT equipment to do this.
Details of these events will be posted on www.newcastle.gov.uk/newcastleplan, where there is also more information about the engagement, as well as on the council’s social media platforms and in community venues across the city.
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