28 April 2021

| | 1 min read


Views sought on SEND support services

Families in Newcastle are being asked to give their views on the support services offered to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

A black and white image showing a cartoon bird flying over a drawing depicting the Newcastle city skyline with the words 'Newcastle Local Offer'

Inspectors from Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be carrying out a re-visit in the city following the last SEND inspection in 2018.

In advance of the re-visit, the inspectors will be seeking people’s views on the services and support that children and young people are offered, particularly in relation to areas of concern that were noted during the previous inspection.

The purpose is to look at what progress has been made in addressing those issues. 

There are several ways in which children, young people, parents and carers can take part in the re-visit process and contribute their views, including an online survey at https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/NewcastleuponTyneRe-VisitLASEND/

The survey will open at 12 noon on Friday 30 April and close at 12 noon on Friday 7 May.

Parents and carers can also contact their local Parent Carer Forum to find out more about how they can contribute their views during the local area re-visit. 

The re-visit will take place between Tuesday 11 May and Friday 14 May.